
Le sermon d'adieu du Prophète ﷺ

Le sermon d'adieu du Prophète ﷺ

By Fayza HARIT Jul 23, 2024

Lors de son dernier pèlerinage à la Mecque, notre bien-aimé Prophète ﷺ (paix et bénédiction sur lui) depuis le Mont ’Arafat a tenu à nous laisser un message très important, le...

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What is Tafsir?

What is Tafsir?

By Fayza HARIT Jan 15, 2024

The tafsir ( تفْسِير) it is a science which consists of interpreting the verses of the Quran from reliable sources. It is sometimes translated by the term: exegesis. There are...

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6 benefits behind tracing the Quran

6 benefits behind tracing the Quran

By Fayza HARIT Aug 27, 2023

Tracing the Quran is a method used for years to transmit, memorize and preserve the Quran. I give you 6 benefits of tracing right here: 1 – Spend more time...

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Why do we plant trees?

Why do we plant trees?

By Fayza HARIT Aug 27, 2023

Trees help us purify our air, filter our water, eat, treat disease and provide habitat for nearly 80% of the biodiversity on our planet. I give you 5 elements that...

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